Tuesday, February 15, 2011

sick, sick, and sick

So we have been buckets of fun around here...all three of us are sick now!

E started with a bad cough and a runny nose so the weekend was tough. He didn't sleep much and we didn't sleep much. D was already sick and on Sunday, I started with a sore throat. Needless to say, there has not been any exercise :(

My wonderful mother came and visited this weekend though so the hubby and I could go out for Valentine's Day. We ate too much but had a good time baby free :)

Last night, we went out with a couple of friends. After an hour wait for a table, we had a very nice and fun dinner with and awesome waiter! I'm certain he was tipped very well just for being so cute.

I signed up for Weight Watchers Online and I really like it so far. I haven't done the greatest with points but I am getting better at it!

Monday, February 7, 2011


SO, today I did my first outside by myself run! The treadmills were all full at the gym in the apartments so I decided to take the plunge!

It went pretty well. I ran/walked about 2 miles in 30 minutes. I was just proud of myself for doing it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside!

I know, Christmas song and all, but it has been running through my head ALL week. It has been CHILLY!

Let's see...this week has been eventful!

Tuesday, we woke up to no power! I was off work but took E into day care anyway so I could get a few things done like groceries, etc. I also ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes. My Nike plus said it was 1.99 miles and the treadmill said it was 1.75 miles so I guess I ran/walked some distance around that. I felt pretty good. Then I picked the kid up and we had his 4 month pictures taken. Cutest baby ever, by the way :)

Side note: I only work out on the treadmill in of apartment gym and I need to get over that! BUT I am too nervous to go run on the sidewalk by our apartment. I realize I am a big baby but I'm just not there yet.

Then on Wednesday I dropped E off at the day care and drove to work an hour away. THEN I got work and had a phone call from the school saying they had no power and were sending all the kiddos home. Well, that is rather inconvenient for me! Luckily, D was closer so he took the day off and stayed home with him until the afternoon.

Thursday E actaully got to stay at day care ALL DAY LONG! Miracle! And then we found out the day care would be closed on Friday due to the weather. Luckily, I was already off!

Friday, D ended up not going to work so we had all had a snow (ice) day. We were super lazy but it was too cold to do anything.

As you can see, there was only one day of exercise :( I can just always find 100,000 reasons not to do it!

Any tips on motivating myself?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Slow and Steady, right?

Yesterday I did my first 5k since 2009. I haven't been walking or running or anything so my expectations were pretty low but I was excited to do it (and get a medal!).

The start of the race I thought I was doing pretty well. I ran the first quarter to half a mile of the course. This was actually my biggest mistake. I totally overdid myself at this point and had a hard time catching my breath and getting a good pace. BUT I was proud of my self for continuing to try to run a little bit of each song that came on my ipod. In the past, I might have just thrown in the towel and walked the whole thing.

I think I ran a mile or so of the whole thing and I definitely ran the last quarter mile since that's where all the people start really cheering you on. I made it to the finish and got my medal so I was happy. :) My official time was 50 mins 53 secs.

My husband, D, did the half marathon. It was his fifth and he finished with a time of 2:38:31. This is his worse time but I think he has run a total of three times since Thanksgiving. So he is pretty awesome :)

Next 5k may be the end of February and I plan to improve my time!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Starting Out

So I've recently been inspired by a few people to not only start up a blog but to also get my life going the direction I want. I feel this best place to start for me is by getting in shape!

The Girl:
My name is Laura and I am 29 years old. I have the most adorable baby ever who will turn 4 months old tomorrow (well actually today!). I am also married to a wonderful boy who puts up with me a LOT. :)
I only gained 20 lbs while I was pregnant and I lost it all within the first month after having E. BUT then I gained it all back. A colicky baby + little sleep + maternity leave=a very easy way for me to gain weight.

The Goal:

Lose 30 pounds by the time I turn 30! This falls on October 3, 1981 so I feel this is a very reasonable goal. I have to average a loss of .8 a week. I think I can definitely do it!

The Plan:

Exercise at least 3 times per week. I plan to run/walk and do some other "fun" activities like the Wii, Kinect, etc.
Eat better. I know, I know. That's pretty vague. But I plan to loosely follow the South Beach diet.

Anyway, I am run/walking a 5k this weekend and will update after that is done. Do a no rain dance for me :)